Monday, February 05, 2007


It has been a busy 48 hours or so since I last posted and a lot has happened. Most of it is more of the "Same old, Same old", there have been a few surprises.

We finished out the retreat with some praise music an dinner. There was one more module in the works but it never was finished so it was dropped. My wife and I came home and took care of the dogs, read e-mail, and went to bed. The following morning I got up about 30 minutes after my wife, so she fed the dogs and gave them their meds. All I had to do was make my coffee and then could walk them after their food settled some. I used that time to check the news online.

After a walk with Little Man and letting the Golden out, I grabbed my bible and read for a while then got ready for church. There was no Sunday School so we did not have to be there until 10 AM, so it gave us time to get ready without rushing.

After church we went to Jalapeno's Grill for some Tex-Mex. We took the associate pastor and his wife and son with us and we had a good meal and some enlightening discussion. It was after 2 PM before we got back home and we needed to be in Anna at 4:00-4:30 PM for dinner with Mickey and Mary. Bob and Chrystal were joining us and we planned on watching the Super Bowl together.

We did not arrive until 4:40, but the other couple had not shown up yet so it was no big deal. We ate and watched the first half, laughing at the commercials and commenting on the game. I do not follow football at all so I was a uninformed but it was okay. My wife an I left during the 3rd quarter since we both had busy days planned.

I called my mom on the drive back and talked to here while my wife was in the grocery store picking up a few last minute items we missed when we went previously. I finished the call after we got home and my wife (I Love that Woman!) walked the dogs for me. I put up the groceries and we chatted for a little while but realized we were tired so we just called it a night.

I got up today felling pretty good (No soreness, but a little stiffness) when I walked Little Man. I fed and watered them and took care of a few little things before I made some coffee and checked the news. After the news, some bible time and a shower, I ate a quick breakfast, packed my lunch (Leftover fajitas) washed the morning dishes and left for work.

Work started off a bit hectic, but I was able to get thing organized by lunch. There were some issues that I still need to address, but they will be taken care of.

I did a little purging of junk today...getting rid of stuff that I do not need (I really hate being a pack rat) and organized thing a bit better. While I did not have a lot of clutter, it was still more than I needed.

Things slowed down (mostly) after lunch and the meeting I was scheduled to attend has been moved to tomorrow. That is okay with gives people more time to get things organized.

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