Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Food, Frustration, Fog, Folly

I got home after a very "blah" day at work to discover my wife in the kitchen cooking dinner. I started to help but she shooed me away, telling me (with a smile on her face) to go into the office and take care of the bills and to take the dogs with me. I did as she requested and realized I just did not want to be in front of the PC at all. So as soon as I got the things done that I needed to do, I turned on Discovery and watched the last half of "It Takes A Thief" and the first half of "Mega Machines". I had a Trustee meeting to go to at 7 PM and I was not looking forward to the impending discussions (the topics are beginning to be a burr under my saddle...so to speak), but I made a commitment and I planned on keeping it. Since dinner would not be ready before I left, I split a banana with my wife, ate some leftover peas, and a spoonful of pasta and sauce that did not make it into the casserole. Not overly filling, but it would do.

The meeting lasted about as long as I expected which was about an hour longer than I wanted. We did not resolve a lot, but a lot of things were aired. I guess that is a good thing. As we were leaving, we noticed that a thick fog had set in...limiting visibility to about 30 feet. The speed limit is 50 on the road to church but with limited lighting (it is a country road) I did not dare go above 30 mph. The fog gave an eerie feel to the area and while I like to walk in the fog, I do not like driving in it. I think this is the heaviest I have seen fog since my last trip to WV.

I got home and walked Little Man. He was ready to go and needed no encouragement to join me. My wife was watching the 2 hours of "24" we taped (yes, taped. We do not have a DVR...I am not paying fees to record TV. However, Myth TV is in our future at some point) so I took Little Man and hit the road. The walk was enjoyable and when we came back, the dog was very damp from the fog clinging to his fur. I dried him off and ate a late dinner of baked spaghetti at 10:00 PM.

My wife did not join me...she stated she was tired and said that I appeared less than social so she left me to watch 2 hours of 24 by myself. I did not think I was tired but I dozed off several times during the second epi, so I may need to watch it again. After it was over, I went to bed...somewhere around 11:30. I am paying for that now.

I woke up pretty sore and before I went to bed I am sure that I hurt a lot more than I had in months. I am wondering if my lower back issues are coming back. I hope not. It was not fun the first time and I am sure it will not be any better this time.

I was thinking about my wife last night and this morning. I am blown away how much she loves me. She cooked and cleaned up last night...something she normally does not like to do, but she knew what my schedule was like and took care of me ... wow. I love that woman.

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