Thursday, February 01, 2007

It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World

Today has been busy. The events went by so quickly I am not sure I can recall them all. It is 10:15 PM and I am just slowing down.

I started the day off normally enough (typical routine, etc). I got to work and saw a ton of issues in the High Sev queue and I got worried. I did not want a crazy Thursday. I took a deep breath and prayed that it would not be as bad as it looked. I ran my normal reports and went back to check the HIgh Sev's...3 of them were gone, meaning they had been closed. Wow...only 11 left...I was beginning to feel a bit better. I kept busy with little things and then thought I could update my blog, but Blogger was down most of the morning. It was raining out and it was generally a miserable day. I was only working 1/2 the day at the office and planned on working a couple of hours from home before I had to take care of some personal business (more on that later). 11:45 AM rolled by and I decided to head looked like smooth sailing.

I got home and ate lunch (baked sweet potato...mmm) and then fired up my laptop to check on the High Sev's again. A few more were opened but a few had been we were about even on that. I still had about 2 hours before my appointment, so I took the dogs outs and checked the mail. I had just gotten to the mailbox when my mobile phone rang. I did not recognize the number...but it was local so I answered it. It was the previous occupant of the office I occupy now. He was asking for some books that he said he left there. I told him they were still there and he asked me if he could come by and pick them up. I told him I was not in the office and would not be back there until tomorrow. He wanted the books so he asked me to call the head of security and see if he would give them to him. I called the Sec Mgr and told him the story and he told me that the former employee could not have them because they were the property of our customer. I called the former employee back and told him and he just shrugged it off. He said he would think of something else.

After that my wife called me and we chatted for a few minutes but I needed to leave to make my appointment, so I told her I loved her and hung up. I was running out of time and the weather was getting worse. I hate driving in bad weather.

I made it to my appointment but he was late so I had to wait. After I was done I called my wife and we made plans to go to dinner after I went home to feed the dogs. I fed them and then drove to Taco Cabana to meet my wife for a quick dinner. While I was at dinner, I received a phone call asking me to meet someone early tomorrow before I go to work, so I made the plans. On the way home from dinner, my wife, a client, and my BiC all called within 5 minutes of each other. My client was asking for a CD with some programs burned to it, my wife wanted to tell me she was going to aerobics instead of coming home, and my BiC was calling because he just wanted to talk. I managed to talk to all of them but not very long because I had a city council meeting to attend at 7 PM.

After the meeting was over with, I came home to balance the check book and scan my son's W2's and e-mail them to him so he can get his taxes done. He said scans would be good enough. I will still mail him the hard copies (he is in Kuwait) in his next care package. he e-mailed me to tell me that he wants to attend UNC online. That would be cool. Finally a member of my family attending UNC. That will look nice on his resume!

Well I am finally caught up...the only big thing left is the taxes. We have a church retreat this weekend and my wife's boss wants me to look at a couple of PC's he inherited and see if they are worth anything. Prolly not, but I can at least look.

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