Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Holiday, Shmoliday

Yesterday was a company holiday and I dot realize it until I got to work and saw that no one else (okay, 4 other people) was here. I decided that going right back home was going to be a waste so I decided to stick around and see what I could do to keep me busy. That lasted until about 11:15. I packed up my gear and left at 11:30, surprising my wife in the process when I got home. I gave her the "Reader's Digest" version and unloaded my work gear. I had no plans to turn it back on until the following day.

I fired up the home PC and downloaded our tax files from turbotax.com and printed up copy of our return for our records, paid a couple of bills online, checked and responded to a few e-mails, and then went to see what I could help my wife with. There was nothing she would let me do, so I had to find things to do on my own. I started by shredding some old documents that were past the date I normally keep them, then I decided to see if the dump was open so I could take a few things that had been accumulating. I loaded up the truck and headed into Plano and was pleasantly surprised to see the dump was open (being a federal holiday, I assumed it would be closed) and doing brisk business. It took longer to drive to the dump than it did to unload, but that was okay...getting out was good. The weather was nice, albeit very windy. I was hoping to do some spraying for weeds and/or some seeding, but the wind was just too strong. So I ended up doing very little except work on the PC, sweeping the porch, and watching TV.

"24" was on last night and that is a show that my wife and I try not to miss. While it can be predictable at times, it still is very entertaining. I am, however getting tired of "You are going to have to trust me" and "That is unacceptable" being said in almost every episode.

I did not stay up late...I figured that more sleep could not hurt since I am not getting my 7-8 hours each night. Last night I clocked in 8 hours and that seemed to help.

I received a brief "I wish your son well' e-mail from Dr. Dave. I was hoping for a bit more meat but maybe DD is not ready for that yet.

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