Friday, September 08, 2006

People and Cars

I had dinner with my wife last night at Jason's Deli. We drove separate cars since we were coming from work and wanted to maximize time and minimize driving. On the way to Jason's, I spotted not one, but TWO BMW's with the local high school's parking sticker on it. Both cars were driven by teens, one a cheerleader (per the other sticker in the window). The other car did not have any identifying decals (band, color guard, volleyball, etc) so what her 'thing' was at school, I do not know (or care really). What grabbed me was that both of these kids were driving new BMW 3 series (not sure which model). What teen kid needs a new BMW worth more than both my vehicles combined (1999 Dodge Dakota and a 2003 Dodge Grand Caravan)? What purpose could be served by purchasing a 'status symbol' automobile for your teen who will most likely get into an accident (pdf file)? Do these parents have more money than brains?

Another interesting thing I noticed is that many 'large' people drive very small cars. over the years I have seen 300+ pound people cramming into subcompacts, small SUV's, and small trucks. I once knew a guy who was 6'5" and weighed about 275 lbs and he drove an old 3 series BMW with the see all the way back. Why he did not just get a bigger vehicle is something I most likely will never find out.

Speaking of automobiles, the price of gas has been steadily dropping over the past 30 days. Gas is below $2.40 a gallon...the lowest price in over a year. While it is still not cheap to fill up my V8 Dakota, it is a little easier to handle. A fill up used to cost about $60, now it is down to about $45. It is still a far cry from the $25 a tank full from 5 years ago, but I am not complaining too much. The truck has been rather dependable and at 7.5 years old and 80,000 miles it still runs well.

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