Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Battle of the Bulge

Yes, I am...I am battling an ever increasing waistline. Most of my life I have been rather small framed. When my wife and I got married 12.5 years ago, I had a 30 inch waist and weighed 165 lbs. I had a swimmers build, lifted weights, walked, biked, and hiked. I got pretty heavy (for me) a few years ago when I tipped the scales at 205 lbs. I was motivated and was able to drop 20 lbs in 6 months or so.

I currently weigh about 190 lbs and have a 34 inch waist. I know a lot of guys who would kill for a 34 inch waist, but they have always been bigger. I have always been small framed so this is annoying. I want to work out, but I am not motivated to do this by myself. Enter my BiC, Jeffrey. Jeff has a used Bowflex (an older one) that he just purchased from another BiC, "Mickey". Jeffrey has not had a change to use it much and like me, needs a little motivation. He is going to talk to his wife and see if it is ok with her that we work out 2 days a week. He feels that she will go for the idea and I believe he is right. "Laney", his wife is a good woman and I think she will see the value in this.

I hope to drop about 20 lbs and get back to a 32 inch waist. I will keep you posted.

1 comment:

dakboy said...

I'd be happy getting myself down to where you are now, let alone where you want to be! I'm hovering around 200-205 and 36" pants are sometimes tight.

I just haven't gotten around to exercising in a long time. I need to fix that.