Saturday, September 02, 2006

Nice, Part 2

I got to sleep in until 7 eternity for me. I felt good when I got up, so I walked the dogs on a long walk. We got back and I started my coffee while my wife fed them.

A light breakfast for both my wife and I (cereal and fruit) then I did a quick check of e-mail and bill paying. Since there was not much to do there, I stepped up and washed the dishes and grabbed the vacuum cleaner.

My wife had already started a load of clothes so I dumped them in the dyer before I started up the Dyson vacuum. I like the Dyson. It does a good job and is lighter and quieter than the Hoover Wind Tunnel we used to have. Plus we do not have to by filters for it which saves us $100 a year. If we can keep this for 4 years, it will pay for itself.

With the vacuuming done, I grabbed lunch (cheese burritos, tomato slices, tea, yogurt, fruit and a Klondike bar) and grabbed watched a little UFC 59. I got a call before it was over from a BiC asking to help unload a truck of antique furniture that another BiC had inherited. I obliged since there would be enough people there to keep me from over doing it. A quick dinner (tamale pie, soda, and my vitamins) and a shower and I was ready to help.

The trip over lasted longer than the unload. We had six guys and we made short work of the unloading. One of the guys was our pastor and seeing him there gave me a chance to give him our old cell phones. His wife's is going bad and he needed a replacement.

I felt good most of the day. Energy and good spirits were high. My wife and I are continuing our communication improvements and I think that we are on the right track. No fights in a while and the disagreements have been very manageable.

My wife and I took some time to learn about our new mobile phones, (Samsung 407 and 507 respectively), programming names and numbers into them, customizing the looks and sounds, etc. They are not high end phones, but my wife's has Bluetooth and a camera. I gave her the one with all the features since I do not like the external display on it. It seems to be too dim for my tastes. Since it is her first external display phone, she is happy. She has been having fun with the camera feature.

My wife is at a rodeo this evening. I would have joined her but I am on call until Tuesday morning and I do not want to be too far from home if I get paged. That happened on Wednesday and things were not good. I do not want to relive that night ever again.

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