Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Home Alone, Day 3

Day three of my "home aloneness" went rather well. Of course I was at work all day, but the morning, evening, and night time went well.

I woke up 30 minutes later than normal, but since I was home with only one dog and without my beautiful wife, there were less "little things" that needed done. I did my normal routine as planned (albeit 30 minutes behind my normal time) except for my coffee/internet period. I cut that down to 20 minutes (from 30) and took a shorter shower. That pretty much put me back on track time-wise.

I got home after stopping by the post office to pick up the certified letter. As suspected, it was for our son. I opened it as instructed and realized it was a duplicate of a letter sent to him a couple of days ago.

I let the dog out, checked the mail, fed the dog, and grabbed a bite to eat for myself while I waited for my student, "Mickey" whom I am taking through One to One Discipling. He has been a great student. He is very prepared and does 100% of his work. My only drawback to his style is that he never words things in his own way...he prefers to quote scripture. While this is admirable, it does not show he understands what it means. So I challenge him on some of his answers. I want him to think things through.

Once we were finished and Mickey headed home, I walked little man and he really enjoyed it. Once I got home I watched Law and Order: SVU. The new season started on Tuesday and I made sure I programmed the VCR to get all three episodes. Tuesday night airs two different epi's of Law and Order. One epi of SVU and one of CI. I will need to watch CI soon. I was too sleepy to do it last night.

After TV, I read for a bit and then slept all the way through the night...something my wife was unable to do, per our morning phone call. She asked me to pray for her and I did. I love my wife and want only blessings for her.

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