Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Home Alone, Day 2

Yesterday was day 2 of my "home aloneness". I was not really alone...I had little man with me, but all he does is sleep, eat and enjoy his two, 30 minute walks per day.

After an odd day at work, I left and headed home. I needed to get home to let little man out since he had been inside for 9+ hours and would need to water the weeds. While he was doing that, I went to the mailbox. Over half of it was for our soldier, 2 pieces for my wife and 1 notice of a certified letter that I need to pick up from the post office. I have no idea who it is for, but most likely it will be for the soldier. I wonder who he owes money to now... :-)

I got in and fed the dog. for 12 years old he still has a good appetite. He eats quickly and with gusto. I grabbed a bite to eat and chatted with my wife for the 3 time that day. After I was done chatting with my beautiful wife, I watched a Battlestar Galactica summary that had been broadcast on NBC that I found online. It was ok, but poor quality. While I was watching that, I ate a left over baked potato with low fat / low calorie spread and a turkey-onion wrap. I washed it it down with some diet Cherry Coke.

Since I had not finished the vacuuming that I started on Saturday (I do not work on Sunday...personal rule) I decided to finish that. It was not hard...the worst had already been done on Saturday. I had the biggest rooms to do, but there is less to move. I got that done and figured I needed to take little man for a walk before I got too tired. The walk went well and after I got back, I decided to make a munchie run at Kroger's. I noticed that I had made the $100 minimum purchase to get my gas at .10 off per gallon and thought that the timing was great...I needed to fill up on my way to work on Tuesday.

I got home with the munchies and settled down to watch "V for Vendetta". I was about 20 minutes into it when the phone rang. When I looked at the caller ID, I thought, "OH NO, I forgot to go work out with Jeff!" I apologized and he said it was OK, he was tired anyway. We chatted for about 30 minutes and then I went back to my movie.

The movie was OK, but not great. After it was over I just went to bed.

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