Thursday, September 07, 2006

Meeting / Cool(er) Weather / Walking in the Park

We have an all employee meeting tomorrow at 2 PM Central time. We were told that it will be partially about the WFR (work force reductions) our account is facing. The total number we will lose is around 20 out of 60. I do not think the meeting will go well...

On to better things...the weather. Hot enough for you? In good ol' north central Texas, it has gotten a bit cooler (mid 60's) at night and that makes for a great walk at 5 AM with the dogs. Brisk, but not too cool. Just about time to start drinking my morning coffee on the deck. 3 weeks ago it would be 85 degrees when I woke up at 5 AM. Now, it is 20 degrees cooler.

With the cooler weather, I have been able to walk the park at lunch time. 4 laps is approximately a mile and that is just about what I have time for during my lunch hour. It helps to get out of the office. I used to go to the mall, but all the shops are closing and I believe they are going to demolish it.

My walks at lunch time are nice and relaxing...usually. The other day as I was walking, the local junior high school had one of the girls phys ed classes out walking. I usually try to stay away from the packs of kids...for several reasons actually, but I was unable to because the ground was very soggy and I did not want to slip in the mud. As the girls passed, one said hello. She was near the back and did not say hello in the manner I was more "adult". She actually tried to carry on a conversation.

On my second lap, the girls had not moved very far (teen girls do not walk fast when in packs) and I had to go by them again. I passed all of them and the one who spoke tried to talk get my attention again. It was unnerving. She spoke like a grown woman trying to pick up a guy. I am sure she was just trying to get me to blush (we old married guys cannot handle attention very well) but it still bothered me. I guess I am just getting old.

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