Tuesday, July 01, 2008

So Far, So Good

Last night I took another medium length bike ride on the new tubes. The first one was 17 miles and last night's was 10. It seems when I change bike tubes due to flats, I tend to have more flats more often. Getting out and putting some miles on the bike will give me some assurance that the tubes will last some.

I was checking the geocaching web pages and have noticed that Murphy has several new caches published by "txlabguy", a newer member to the caching community. I always like it when someone new comes along, seeks several caches then decides to give back to the geocaching community by placing a few of their own. "Golfwormer" just started placing a few in the McKinney area (I got most of those) and now it looks like I can head back to Murphy and get these newly published ones as well as a few in Wiley/St. Paul that I have been putting off. I need to see if I can persuade Robert to go out with me...he lives in Wiley...

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