Sunday, July 27, 2008

Will This Day EVER End?

That was the question I asked myself Saturday. I went on call at 8:00 AM and my day started immediately as my TL handed over an issue from the night before (actually it was a long running issue that had finally come to a head). I spent all day on the phone and on the internal messaging client (Jabber) with techs all over the world trying to get an issue resolved. To add to the complexity, we had to coordinate with our customer's external partner and they had not been very responsive so far.

The issue had finally settled and we were waiting on the external parter to respond (we still are today) when another call came in. It looked pretty cut and dried...SAP was not communicating with the middleware that another external vendor connects with. We have seen this before and it is usually one of three things, so I started with the easiest one. To make a long story short, the entire time this was being worked on, every tech who touched it treated it like a hot potato. No one wanted to hold on to it for long and they all kept saying it was someone else's issue to solve. O put up with that for 5-6 hours when finally it appeared to be resolved. Just as I was ready to go to bed, the phone rang. The issue was not resolved and we had to go back and see what the issue was. I was pretty tired but I got with the right team and tech and he agreed to look into it. About midnight he called and said the majority of the issue had been fixed (past messages that had been stuck had cleared...confirmed by the customer) but we had no way to tell if new ones would make it. The customer told us to put the ticket on hold and it could be worked on later since no new messages would be sent until Monday. I breathed a sigh of relief and went to bed.

Even though I was busy with work from 8:00 AM until midnight, God did bless me with the ability to get my Sunday School lesson completed (which was a success!) and 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep last night.

I woke up this morning hald expecting the worst but when I checked, the issue that was place on hold until Monday had been completely resolved by the third party who supports the software and does account maintenence. That was a shock since they had been rather standoffish most of the week when we gave them issues to work on.

I got ready for Sunday School and church and much to my surprise, I was able to get through my entire morning and afternoon without any interruptions. That meant that SS, church, lunch, and my afternoon nap (which I really enjoyed) was peaceful. Now if I can only get through the night...

I was on call Wednesday, Saturday, and will be on call tonight to make up for my TL doing on call duties for me last weekend while I was at the marriage confernce with my wife. I am not sure who got the worst end of the bargain but we both survived. Being on call is hard on a body.

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