Wednesday, July 02, 2008

I Realize I Am Not Perfect But...

Does anyone who posts on message boards via the internet every use punctuation? I realize mine is far from perfect and that my grammar and spelling (at times) causes a few of you to cringe, but at least I use punctuation.

I read a lot of message boards from tech stuff to politics to MMA (mixed martial arts). And while some boards are better than others, the rampant lack of punctuation phenomenal.

Pot: "Hi Kettle, you are black". Okay, I am not perfect. I use spell check but sometimes it does not pick up all the misspelled words. My grammar can get a little "dangerous" as my CommColl English teachers used to say. I am not a great writer and I never claimed to be but Father in Heaven, at least I use a comma, colon, and periods...maybe more than I need but I do try.

I was reading an MMA board today and one of the responders to a fight question went on rambling without punctuation for 50+ words. It was almost too hard to unders stand.

That also brings me to the use of internet shortcut words/phrases like "cuz" (because) and u no (you know) plus tens of others that DRIVE ME UP THE WALL. I have read that this culture has permiated our schools and kids are writing papers using this lingo and are upset when the grade is less than what they expected! It reminds me of the Ebonics controversy that cropped up many years ago. Certain black educators thought that Ebonics was an official language of black people...a notion I had to laugh at.

I am not perfect and I do make mistakes, I fully acknowledge that. All I ask is that if you post something for someone else to read try to make the mistakes the exception and not the rule.

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