Thursday, July 10, 2008

Wednesday - Work And Fast

Thank you GOD! As previously stated I am fasting on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays while enjoying a "normal" lifestyle on Tuesday and Thursday. I start my fast at sun up and continue until sun down when I allow myself small to medium sized meals. So when I get up at 5:00 AM I will have a small breakfast (a bowl of cereal and my vitamin/supplements) and then I will not eat again until 9 PM that night, which would be a medium sized supper. Well, yesterday my PDA alarm went off but did not chime (I had to do a warm reset to fix it) and I did not get up until after sunrise. Since I got up late that meant no light breakfast. Well, God was good and gave me the will power and strength to make it through the entire day until 9 PM before I had any headaches or grumpiness. I was tad run down, but other than that I was fine.

Today is a "normal" day so I am having decaf coffee and will eat a light breakfast in about an hour after prayer and bible time.

I worked from home yesterday (as I will today) and it went pretty well. Not too busy but the calls we did get were, as usual, annoying. Our help desk leads (who are the ones who call me) seem to be very stressed lately. They only seem to be concerned with their metrics instead of actually helping the customer. Is the corporate strategy we have adopted to blame?

I know this stress must be wide spread because I overheard one of the managers on our account talking to another manager (quite loudly on speaker phone just across the hall...with the office door open) about how the help desk wants more money (internal billing) when they get busier, in effect charging more money for less service. I hope this mentality gets taken care of soon. It makes work difficult.

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