Thursday, June 26, 2008


My wife and I were invited over to our Care Group leader's house last night for a BBQ/Pool party. We asked if we could bring anything and we were told that at least one of the guest had a dietary restriction and asked if we would bring some grilled chicken. We were happy to oblige so we defrosted eight chicken breasts, marinated them in olive oil and vinegar/lemon juice, and put them on the grill. That is, after I went to get a replacement tank for the grill...we were out of propane!

We arrived on time (one of the last guests to arrive and we began to mingle. Most of the women stayed inside and the men congregated out by the grill. It is a man-fire thing you see. We chatted about work, weather, and BBQ when someone noticed all the scratches on my legs so I told them about geocaching. None of them seemed interested so I dropped the subject and moved on.

When the last guest had arrived and the ribs were finished, we gathered for the blessing of the food and started piling our plates full. I tend to eat smalled plates but refill them frequently rather than getting one big plate. I guess I want to pace myself and I also want to make sure that everyone gets something they want to eat. BTW, the food was pretty good. There was ribs, our chicken, some salads, and home made peach ice cream for dessert.

I chatted with a newer member of our church mostly and when he left I spoke with our new(ish) pastor. He is a likable guy...he is younger than me and he shows respect in that manner...even if I am spiritually his junior. I have to admire that. We talked about the Men's ministry some and about missions work before my wife and I left. I forgot my bible but I was too tired to go back and get it and so I had to read my PDA bible this morning. It was not the same translation but it worked out well enough.

All day long my sciatica did not give me any trouble. Then, later that evening it began to act up again. It was really bothing me this morning so I began to stretch and it started to feel better.

Well, I am working from home today (normal for me on Wed and Thur). It appears my colleague had only one major issue to contend with. That being the case the end of the week will be more challenging than the beginning was.


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