Monday, June 09, 2008

Interesting E-mail

I received an e-mail from my sister whom I have not spoken with in some time. Not being one to air dirty laundry, let me just say that we do not see eye to eye on some issues and our lack of communication is mostly my fault. I hope this can be corrected.

Now on to the email. My sis informs me that her husband's mom died Saturday night. In her words, the eldest son is taking it hard (he is an early teen), the youngest son (nine years old or so) doesn't understand, and her husband is numb. While my sister has been baptized she has not been very firm in her faith and her husband, well...let's just say he has no use for my religious views and he and I tend to differ on a lot of things. Nonetheless, I am praying for peace for him and his family.

In the email my sister informs me that she will be in touch soon...a promising sign. I look forward to hearing from her.

After reading the e-mail, I called my mom to talk with her and we chatted about the lost. The woman and mom live just a few houses from each other and they knew each other. Mom is not sure about the woman's faith but she is going to talk to family about it. It would be a pity if she died an unbeliever.

After we talked about that, mom informs me that there was some flooding in several counties where she lives. She ended up with 3.5 feet of water in her basement and a lot of items were ruined. Now one big blessing is that none of the "expensive" items like her washer, dryer, furnace or hot water heater were damaged as far as she and the handyman she uses can tell. She did have a lot of water damage to some items (including her chest freezer and all the food that was in it), but most of it was non-essentials junk she refuses to throw away. This may be a blessing in disguise.

By the way, she did not have flood insurance. Her choice. Now she will just have to live with that. Add another person to my prayer list.

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