Monday, June 09, 2008

Back Into BIking

I made the conscious decision to get back into biking since the price of gasoline is now $4.00 a gallon. Biking to work is out of the question but I am going to try to bike as much as possible when the weather permits. Needless to say I am going to be a sweaty man this summer.

Saturday I did my chores around the house and decided to bike parts of the Chisholm and Blue Bonnnet Trail while geocaching. I have the bike mount for my GPSr and this would be my first test with it. Not only was it successful, I also was able to gain info from my trip that I normally would not have gotten.

For example, I biked 15.5 miles on Saturday, averaging about 9 miles an hour. On Sunday I biked (but not geocached) 11 miles averaging 10.2 miles an hour. The GPSr and the bike mount have been helpful while biking. Not only do I have maps but I can get trip info as well.

Saturday's geocaching expedition was a partial bust, due to a miscommunication with my wife (who is stressed because of the physical issues she has been having) so I only nabbed eight on my trip out. I had 2o on the radar and I knew that 4-5 of them would be a waste of time, so I could have gotten 16 and actually nabbed half that number. The good news is that I got over 15 miles in on my bike.

Sunday I biked "The Green Belt" in Allen. The Green Belt is the wooded area that follows the creeks and stream in the area I live in. I am not sure how many miles that I was unable to is not contiguous and you have to ride on the road to get to parts of it so I just focused on what I could get to easily which was about 11 miles or so.

When I got back from both trips I was a sweaty mess. I am hoping that my biking will help me burn off some of the extra weight I have been gaining. It helps that I love to bike.

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