Tuesday, April 22, 2008

A Whole Lot Of Nothing

We started the day off (late) with a beach walk to collect some seashells. We found several nice ones and I managed to get a few pics as well. I ran into a couple of people who told me that a shark was caught very close to shore a few miles up the peninsula. And on top of that, an alligator became confused and swam across the bay and was caught further up the coast. We had seem alligator areas in the park, but I did not think they would be around here. Guess I was wrong.

The rest of the day was lazy, filled with naps and lounging around the house. We watched TV and ended the night with sunset walk on the beach. For the second time during the vacation we spotted dolphins offshore. Some of them were quite close...10-20 feet from shore. They were fantastic.

Dolphins were not the only animal we saw. We spotted some ducks (I thought that odd) and some horses and riders on the beach as well. One thing I can say for sure is that this vacation has been restful.

We ate leftovers and drank Coke Zero. We both wanted icecream but did not want to drive 10 miles for it.

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