Thursday, August 17, 2006


That stands for "Working From Home", a common acronym we use at work. I have been working from home the past couple of days (more accurately Wed, today, and tomorrow) and it has not been too bad. I guess the nice thing is that my wife has gotten some rest so I can stay mostly focused on my tasks. The reason I am working from home is to allow me to care for my wife after her surgery. She is not supposed to be doing much until she heals and knowing my wife, she will grow bored quickly and want to do things.

Yesterday was a bit chaotic, but it ended well. Today was much more evenly paced...I took care of some e-mails, did my reporting for the day, handled some account administration, attended a concall (with one more scheduled in about 30 minutes), and still was able to take care of things for my wife, including lunch. Yesterday I cooked breakfast (whole wheat pancakes) and ate light for dinner. Our meal delivery did not make it until 7ish so I was pretty hungry when it got here. It was a Mexican chicken dish that my wife makes a version of. We had it for lunch as well.

Only about 2 hours left until I can quit for the day...maybe longer if there is anything to do. Monday is shaping up to be busy (3 separate projects plus my normal work) and I am not sure I can do it all, but with God on my side, anything is possible!

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