Monday, August 14, 2006

PK 2006 / Weekend Update

I am a Promise Keeper.

I attended "Uprising", the PK 2006 event held in Dallas on Friday and Saturday. I do not know how many men were there, but there were at least 8,000 and maybe as many as 13,000 in attendance. It was a great gathering that had a powerful message, outstanding music, and a lot of testimonies.

Praise Band = PK7
Guest Speaker = Bob Reccord
Host = Reggie Dabbs

I left work a bit early (4 PM) on Friday and headed towards the west end of Dallas to pick up a BiC who I have been counseling with for the past few weeks. We both had very busy days but were looking forward to spending time at PK 2006. Traffic was a bit heavy but we finally made it and got connected with the rest of the group who came down separately. The event lasted until just after 10 PM and the group packed into 2 vehicles and drove towards our various homes.

I got home just after 11 PM and spoke with my wife for a while before settling in and going to bed at midnight. I was being picked up at 6:30 AM the next morning, so I needed to get as much sleep as possible.

The alarm woke me at 5 AM, not nearly enough sleep but it would have to do. I walked little man and had my morning coffee when I got back. I hopped in the shower after spending a few minutes reading my bible and was ready when my BiC and our guest "DB", a Nigerian bishop, called me to get my address. A few minutes later I was kissing my wife goodbye and we headed off to pick up the last member of our party, "James".

The trip went well and we made it to the arena before the line was too long (it had only stretched halfway around the building) and we made it in before the rain fell. We managed to get good floor seats and we chatted with others who were attending...some for the first time.

Musical Guest = Lincoln Brewster
Speakers = Dr. Rick Rigsby (his notes are here), Dobie Weasel, and Mike Silva. We left before Mike spoke.

We stayed until about 3 PM then we left so we could attend a wedding for a couple who attends our church. I wanted to go but so much was going on and I was very tired so I just had to stay home. My wife was trying to take care of last minute things before she went in for surgery on Monday and we knew Sunday would be busy. After we exhausted ourselves doing things around the house, we watch an epi of "The 4400" and went to bed.

Sunday began with the normal routine for me (walk/feed the dogs, coffee, shower/shave) and after a very light breakfast of fruit and yogurt, I went to church to teach my Sunday School class. We had a few people out, but that was to be expected. This was a busy weekend for many.

After church we ate lunch at La Finca (No web site...sorry!) with "Darlene", the lady we helped move 3-4 weeks ago. We enjoyed our food (I had Fish Taco's, my wife had spinach quesadillas, and Darlene had fajitas) and had a good conversation about everything.

Once we got home I needed a nap so I layed down for an hour. I got up and did my normal Saturday chores on Sunday afternoon...including mowing the lawn and washing dishes while my wife washed the dogs. Once she was done with them, I walked little man and we settled down for an epi of "The 4400". You may see a pattern here... watch very little TV. We were in bed by 10:30. I read a little more of "The Ezekiel Option" before I decided to hit the sack. Tomorrow was going to be a big day.

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