Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Internet Dependent / Generosity

I received a call from my wife yesterday when she could not connect to the internet. I walked her through a few of the basics, but no go. When I came home I started to troubleshoot the issue while she was making banana pancakes for dinner. I got in the office and checked the cable modem and the connect light was in a slow steady blinking state. The troubleshooting page said that meant a connectivity issued, so I started making sure all the connections were tight. A couple were not very snug, so I tightened them down a bit and rechecked. Still no internet connection. I went in and turned on the TV and guess what? The cable was out. I got on the phone and called Time-Warner and the front end message informed me that there was a large outage in 3 towns, including mine. I guess that answers my question!

The cable came back about 9 or so, but internet activity was still down until 10 or so. I guess they had not began to reset the network equipment until then.

Tuesdays are the night I disciple "Mickey" in "One to One Discipling". He is a pretty good student and I enjoy talking with him. We got into a serious discussion about giving/tithing last night that I was sure was going to be heated. While it is not my business if a person tithes or not, their motives are my concern, especially if the motives are opposed to what scripture teaches.

In Mickey's case, he has stated he wants to get "the millstone from around his neck" before he starts tithing. Both he and his wife do ok financially, but they place great importance on what they want than what God wants. I have been in the same place. I once thought that I could wait until my major debt was gone before I began tithing but I was wrong. Scripture commands believers to give God "the first fruits". It is clear that we will be blessed if we do. While God does not say he will curse us, the blessings will not flow abundantly until we give.

If everyone took the attitude Mickey has, the church would not be able to support itself. I told Mickey that we have "a millstone around our neck" as well, but we have adjusted to allow us to give 10%, save 6%, and live on the rest. Mickey told me he saves 10%, gives some (no percentage given, but I am positive it is less than 5%) and lives on the rest. He is so worried about providing for a future, he has forgotten God's challenge in the book of Malachi 3:10 -

"...Test me in this," says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it."

We have been tithing for about 5-7 years or so. It has not been easy and I was not a cheerful giver, but I have evolved into a much more generous person. Mickey tells me his wife is keeping him from tithing. I find two things wrong with that. First, as a Christian man, he is the spiritual head of his household. He should be setting the tone biblically on what is to be done.

Second, I know that his wife is much more generous than he is. When my wife goes out with her, "Sherry" (Mickey's wife) tips very well. When Mickey and I go out, he is rather frugal with the tip.

If Mickey decides to tithe or to tip generously is not my problem, it is his motivation. We are to be cheerful givers. Mickey would rather spend money on things left and right and dine out frequently than bless others. Do not get me wrong...Mickey is a great guy. He opens up his home for dinner and for get togethers all the time. He is fun to be around and will help when he can, but he has issues with money. I guess his being in debt twice in his life (both times he had to file bankruptcy) has soured him a bit. Maybe if we all keep praying, he will soften some. I know that from talking to him that is big fear. He will not admit it, but it is.

Mickey, I am gonna pray your fears away. God bless you, Brother!

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