Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Abnormally Slow

It has been very slow at work today. I have done some project work, but I backed off since I was told I do not have to do it myself. I have done quite a bit so far, but it is not completed. The software (while it is installed and configured) will not run and I do not know why. Well, I have an idea, but I do not want to screw anything up. Since I am not the sharpest Unix knife in the drawer, I need to play it smart.

My colleague just came by to tell me that he is terminating 1300 old UNIX accounts from out NC domain. I gave him a surprised look and he told me the got approval from the Security Mgr to fulfill the request from the Site Mgr. I am sure at least one of those accounts has data that is still being used.

This is being done because our customer has finally (after 10 years) figured out that they are wasting a lot of storage space. We get requests all the time for more space and when the data was analyzed, a large portion of it was junk, personal stuff, old data, etc. Looks like it is time to clean house.

Still nothing new on the job front. I actually do not expect to see anything for a while. My guess is that they will not "publish" a list, but tell each person individually and go from there. While I am not "worried", I am concerned that if I remain on, I will get a job that is beyond my skill set.

I was given notice that I am officially on the on-call rotation. I think that is kinda funny, since the bigger part of our group is going to be outsourced. Does that mean that we will have a smaller on call list?

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