Tuesday, August 15, 2006


This will have to be quick since I am very short on time...

Yesterday my wife went to a local hospital for surgery...for those who know us there is nothing to fear. If you want to drop me an 3-mail I will fill you in. Her surgery was scheduled for noon, but they did not wheel her back into the operating theatre until 12:45 PM. Couple that with the fact we had to be there at 10 AM to fill out paperwork and get prepped for surgery...

The surgery went well and only took about 1.5 hours. She had several visitors (her boss, wife of an elder, her prayer partner, and the minister and his wife) and I stayed with her until 5:30 PM. I had to get home to take care of the dogs. Since she had more people scheduled (alas they did not show up...) I took that opportunity to attend the board of trustees meeting (I am the newest member) at our church. The meeting started at 7 PM and did not finish until almost 11 PM. At 9 PM the minister's wife came and got me and told me no one else came to visit and that my wife had been somewhat nauseous so they stayed with her a while. I had not planned on going back, but I did plan on calling her. Since the meeting did not let out until 11 PM, I did not call but I plan on getting over there as soon as I can get things taken care of here at the house. I have only been home a total of 9 hours and I have been sleeping 6 of those. Yeah, I have been busy...laundry, feed/walk/medicate dogs, wash dishes, eat, shower...not, much fun but it is worth it for my wife...I love her!

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