Friday, February 01, 2008

Electric Eye

A while back it was announced that Google Maps would be offering a street level view of cities that goes beyond normal satellite images. Google as well as other companies would be driving around taking pictures to offer a virtual tour of the city. The cities were announced and low and behold, Dallas has made that list. I found this out quite by accident when I used Google Maps to zero in on a set of GPS coords to assist me when I geocached. When I got the page, I was surprised to see a street level option that allowed me to look at the front yard of the address as if I was driving by it myself. Now this has already cause a stir in some bigger cities (San Fran and New York) because the photographers have caught some rather...interesting things on film, such as a case of plummers crack (complete with thong), and a young man picking his nose.

Now I work in the suburb of Dallas that this picture was taken and now I am beginning to worry about my chances of being filmed while doing something completely innocent (scratching, adjust clothes, etc) without my knowledge. Camera angles are tricky things and what may look innocent at one angle looks obscene at another.

Be careful out never know who is watching.

Oh, by the way, I finally got my wife to watch "Lost". While she is not hooked, she did admit it was a good show.

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