Monday, February 04, 2008

Something To Look Forward To?

Well, I survived my house arrest (on call). It was one of the lighter on calls I have had and for that, I am thankful. I only had 2 nights with anything to follow up on and no calls came in after hours. No bad.

Since I was on house arrest and many of the caches in the area are beyond my 15 minute radius, I decided not to go out geocaching (shocker!) this weekend. I cleaned the house some, spent time with the dogs, went to church and Sunday School and finished out season two of "Lost". It was a very quiet weekend.

Solder Boy called this weekend and he talked to my wife for a while. He was visiting my sister

I called my mom on Sunday as I normally do and realized that she does not have enough to keep her occupied. Every time I call she walks about how much the creek has risen or dropped (she can see the creek from her front window). I asked her if she was worried about flooding and she told me that she wasn't, she just like to keep track of the rising water.

My mom does not get out of the house much and only really does anything on Sunday's with church and visiting a friend afterwards. I am afraid she has too much time on her hands and needs something constructive to do.

I hope I do not follow that path. I want to stay interested in various things and keep my brain healthy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A link to live water levels for the West Fork River.