Monday, February 18, 2008

Ack, It Is Monday Already

The weekend flew by and that is odd since the weather was less than agreeable...

The work week ended on a flurry...we had several calls come in all at the same time (many were related) after having a very quiet week. It has been rather quiet the past month or so but I know it will pick back up.

I am now finally caught up with "Lost". I have set the VCR (we still are using that old technology...a DVR is not in the budget yet) to record "Lost" and "Jericho" until the end of the season for each. I am pleased with Lost so far, but I am confused about the flash forwards.

Jericho is okay, but I get the feeling they are trying to end it. I know it was on the chopping block last season and only received the green light for seven more episodes, but I was hoping for more.

Friday the weather was looking grim and when I woke up Saturday morning, I had found out that it had been raining/storming all night. I got up earlier than I wanted to so I could help my wife get ready. The women were honoring the men from the church by serving them breakfast at our monthly get together. I found it ironic that even though we were being honored, I got up earlier and still helped like I normally do for the Men's breakfast, just in different areas. However, to be honest the part I played was very minimal.

After the breakfast I came home and vacuumed the house. No geocaching was going to be done in the kind of weather we were having. I was not too disappointed since i was able to grab a few during my lunch hour at work during the week.

Sunday was kind of mixed in terms of being good or bad. Sunday School and church were good (my wife got re-baptized) but lunch afterwards at TGI Friday's was mostly bad. The food was dry and the service was slow...even though we were told that we would love the server. The bright spot to the entire lunch was when we saw a soldier come in with his wife, small child, and an infant. My wife and I like to say "hi" to the soldiers when we see them in uniform and we help them whenever we can. My wife said to me as she saw them come in, "Too bad we are so tight on our budget...I would love to buy them lunch." It got me to thinking so I excused myself and went over to the hostess station where they were waiting. I walked over and introduced myself, informed the soldier that I had a son who had served in the middle east, and that I was thankful for his service. He thanked me and we shook hands. As we did, I told him that while it was not much, I wanted to give him something so I reached into my pocket and gave him the gift card we were going to use for lunch and told him to enjoy.

I did not give him a chance to say anything I just turned and walked back to my table. My wife knew what I was doing and almost cried. Those men and women put their lives on the line for less money than you or I make so figured it was the least I could do for him.

After lunch we came home and I decided to go out a do a little geocaching. I did not want to do any hiking (the mud would have made it treacherous) nor did I want to drive all over God's creation looking for PnG's, so I just decided to spend time on three caches: a puzzle that I solved the night before and still needed to find, "El Diablo" (which is on a very dilapidated old trestle not far from a Terracache I had already found), and "Brass Monkey" (one that has been looked for but still remains elusive to most).

I quickly found the puzzle cache, then moved to "El Diablo". I had surmised that it was hidden in a railroad spike on the tracks. While I thought I looked at every spike, that devilishly sinister hide still eluded me. Since that was a bust I decided to give the monkey a shot. Since BM required the cacher to calculate the coords, it took some time, but I figured out where it is. That is the good news. the bad news is that I still cannot find it. I was given some clues but the more I hear the less I want to find it. After meeting two other cachers at GZ and looking with them for a while, I gave up and went home.

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