Monday, September 10, 2007

A Sort Of Homecoming

I rather cold most of the night. Mom left the A/C on and while the house was not damp, it was cool and I was forced to sleep under the blankets all night long.

I awoke much as I normally do when I spend then night at mom's with the sound of the coffee maker and the smell of fresh coffee. I smiled and climbed out of bed anticipating a cup of the fresh, but somewhat weak coffee. I had plans to go to church with mom and participate in the homecoming celebration that was afterwards. Mom had already made the most of the dinner items that she planned on taking but she still needed to make some brocolli and cheese so there would be at least one veggie there.

We both got ready and about 20 minutes before we left she fixed the brocolli so it would be mostly hot by the time we got ready to eat. Once that was done, we left and went to church.

The preacher was not feeling well so he was not able to attend and therefore there was not message. We had music, an extended Sunday School lesson, more music and then some of the church business meeting minutes from the 1800's were read. It was amazing to see how integrated the church was in a person's life 200 years ago.

After the final prayer and the blessing of the food, we walked downstairs and ate a very good "pot luck" meal. Thankfully, there were very few desserts.

We got home and I read for a while and every now and them my nephews would come out. They did not say much but AJ kept asking to take the Sunday paper before mom was done reading it. I finally got tired of him asking for it and told him that if he needed one so badly he should have his dad buy one. AJ then made comment that scared me...he said, "Well, if I come back with a black eye, you can pay the doctor bill." That comment worried me and I told him that if his father gave him a black eye, then he and I would have a talk. With that said, AJ left. 10 minutes later, AJ's dad (my sister's hubby) called and started yelling at my mom about my comments. I was rather upset at that but I did not do anything. I did apologize to mom but she told me not to worry...Danny is not very mature and is quite a hot head. Had Danny done that a few years ago, I most likely would have gone down down to his house and given him a lesson in manners.

The rest of the night was quiet. I showed mom all the photos I had taken over the past few years and then when we were done, I talked to my wife for 30 minutes or so. Later, I went over to Rob and Belinda's to catch up and visit. When I got there, I found that MW was there and we got to chat a bit as well.

I ended up leaving a lot later than I had wanted to but the time just flew by. I got home and in bed (after brushing my teeth of course) about 12:30 AM. I was only going to get about six hours sleep but oddly enough, it worked. I woke up and had coffee just like I normally do and did not feel run down at all.

I watched a little TV then I asked mom what she needed me to do outside. We went out in the yard and looked at the bushes she wanted me to work on. There were two large ones she wanted cut down and a couple of smaller ones. I got them done in about 3 hours using an electric chain saw and some manual hedge trimmers. Once I was done, mom made fresh tomato sandwiches for lunch. My oh my they were GOOD. I washed them down (I had three) with some green tea and then set up my wet tent to dry in the sun. It had been packed for 2 days wet and I was sure it would smell, so I set it up to air out before it started raining.

Mom and I drove down to get Houston from school and when we got back, decided to just relax...I deserve it!

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