Monday, September 03, 2007

Not A Bad Weekend At All

I really cannot complain about this weekend. No real stress and I was able to get a few things done that I wanted to accomplish now for a few weeks.

Outside the normal chores, Saturday I was able to clean out the attic and take the things we have had saved for our son over to his storage unit. That took a while, but it was worth it. He unit was a big mess and I had to take out half the stuff just to be able to put in the 8 boxes or so of stuff we had for him in. Once we had put in our stuff nice and neat, it was pretty easy to get his stuff back in.

Sunday after church we invited Jimmy and Collette over for a lunch of salad, fruit, and my wife's homemade lasagna. Cheesecake was for dessert. They stayed for 5 hours or so and we had some great conversation and fellowship.

Today I decided to mow the grass. The weather was perfect...not too hot with a good degree of cloud cover. I took my time and got it done in about two and a half hours. While I was doing that, my wife groomed the dogs. We ate leftovers all day (we had plenty...from all she cooked the past couple of days) and as usual they tasted great the second and third day.

I did a quick vacuum of the dining room and living room after my wife was done grooming the dogs. That way I could pick up an stray fur that floated away while she was trimming them. I did not pick up much and that is as good thing. That means the dogs are not shedding as much as they were.

I just finished watching Rocky 2 and Rocky 3 on Versus Network TV. It has been a while since I last saw them and they really are showing how dated they are and how much Sly Stallone has grown as an actor.

My allergies have been acting up the past few days (more today than yesterday) and that means I will be miserable for the next month or so...just in time for my annual trip to WV. Joy.

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