Friday, September 21, 2007

Reality Check

I am not a fan of "reality" shows. As I have said many times in the past, "I get enough reality in real need to watch it on TV." I have on occasion watched a reality show (if you count Tapout on Versus Network) but I am not a fan. I do not watch them, pure and simple.

Lat night, however, I strayed just a little. I was channel hopping (there was nothing on in our limited 30 channel range we subscribe to) and saw an attractive woman and a geeky looking guy interviewing people. During the next few minutes, I realized I was watching "Beauty and the Geek". Being a geek my self and having married a beauty, I was intrigued. It turned out to me like an auto accident...I knew I should look away but morbid curiosity kept me riveted.

The geeks were bad. Stereotypical pocket protector wearing, D&D playing, computer programming, Rubik's Cube solving nerds. These guys were asked questions about dating and what they were looking for in a woman. The answers were just what I expected. These guys had no social skills at all...worse than me! It was sad that on some levels I identified with those guys, but I think I am a bit more well rounded. My wife calls me her "geek" and I am honored to be that to her. I wear it as a badge of honor.

When they interviewed the "beauties", I knew what was going to happen and I was right. The women were stereotypical bubble headed, fashion conscious, shallow, gold diggers. The interviewers asked them simple questions that all of them messed up. I am glad my beauty is light years ahead of the ones I saw on TV last night.

One twist I would like to see on the show (and if it has been done or is in process all the better) would be for female geeks and good looking guys get chances. Geekiness is not limited to guys. TRUST ME.

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