Friday, September 28, 2007

Gimme Three Steps

Maybe I should say, 12 steps, as ina 12 step program for addicts:

Hello, my name is El Gee and I am a Geocaching addict.
Hi, El Gee!

I do not even have a GPS and I am all into this Geocaching thing. Last night I found my first one without a GPS and today I am planning on hitting two or three more, again without GPS.

My style is very interesting...I use, Google Earth/Maps, and my PDA.

First I log on to the geocaching web site and copy over the data from the caches I want to find into Palm desktop. Then I take the coordinates and plug them into Google Earth/Maps and zoom in as far as I can. The I take that picture and put it into Palm Desktop and synch. Now all the data I need is handy. I am not sure how well it will work but I am going to give it a try at lunch and on the way home.

I cannot imagine how hooked I would be if I had a GPS...

1 comment:

Jeff M. said...

Get GEOTOAD (both linux and windows verision out there). It will DL all the caches near you and create a GPX file. Then put GPXSonar (freeware) on your PDA. You now have the webpages for all the caches near you on your PDA including the hints and logs.

p.s. A GPX file is just a standard XML file.