Monday, March 20, 2006

Rain Rain, Go Away... and Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?

This weekend I had plans to do a lot of outside work, but God thought differently. I was going to help with a construction project with my church and mow two yards, plus my normal Saturday routine. I knew it was a lot but I really wanted to get it done. However since we received over 4 inches of rain this weekend, none of the outdoor stuff was completed. I guess it is no big deal. There is always next week! I guess that overall this may have been a good thing. I had a "bad back day" on Sunday, requiring me to take a Vicodin (which is something I do not take very often) and had I worked on Saturday, the pain may have been worse. I am still is a fair amount of pain today, but I took Tylenol instead. While Vicodin is good, it can cause me to stray a bit in my thinking.

I was able to vacuum the house, strip and make the bed, and wash several dishes. The rain kept me from walking the dogs any great distance. It came down hard at times and the ground is saturated. It stopped/slowed down enough to get them outside so they could use the bathroom, but not long enough to give them the exercise they needed.

My wife received notice that my son was kicked out of the house he is living in. He has since found a temporary solution, but I am not sure how long that will last. I do not want to disparage my son, but his choices make no sense to me. I guess I understand why some parents feel their kids will drive them crazy. When you love your kids, you want to do things for them but you have to let them learn some things the hard way. I know I learned things the hard way, however I did not have a Christian role model to look up to. My son had several.

I also was sent the link to his "" web page. I was rather disappointed in it. He has turn his back on all things holy and is living just like every other teen is. He lives for today, the heck with tomorrow. He has sexually based cartoons on his page, references to beer drinking, etc. My wife is so upset by this. I know that this is going to give her trouble sleeping.

We even received a phone call from the mother of the girl he is "dating". I am not sure how she got our number (we only have cell phones, which are not listed publicly), but she talked with my wife for about an hour or so on Saturday. The day before, the man our son has been staying with came over and talked with my wife for about an hour. The amount/type of information that we received was heartbreaking.

This type of behavior appears to be a bit of an epidemic right now. I know of 3-4 teens at our church (we have a rather small church) who are straying from the path that they have been following. These kids are good kids. They have strong family values, grew up in the church, and some attended Christian schools. I want to reach out and help, but I do not want to be an enabler. I am praying that these teens wake up from the slumber they are in and get back on track with their Christian walk.

Son, if you are reading this, you need to make some changes quickly. The things we have been told reinforce the things that already had suspected (and in some cases knew). You are a very bright young man, but the things we see you doing are not the smartest things you can do.

If you need to talk, come by. We are your parents and we love you.

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