Friday, March 17, 2006

Minimal Pain, Low Stress and The Heels Play Tonight

I woke up feeling 100% better than I did yesterday. That does not mean I am pain free, it just means that the pain is tolerable with Tylenol. My lower back still hurts, but I can walk relatively well and bend a little. I have been stretching several times a day for the past 3 days, taking Tylenol for pain for the past 2 days, and doing a lot of praying. I hope to feel well enough to help with a small, non-lifting project for a member of our church this weekend. He bought a car port kit and needs it installed. I have a brand new Firestorm 24 volt cordless drill I am itching to try out! As long as I wake up feeling OK, stretch, and take some Tylenol, I should be OK. I have a few errands to run and a few chores to do tomorrow, but I should be able to get most of it done:

* Men's breakfast at church 8-10 AM
* Take an old freezer to the dump (I am just going along to get the guys in .. I am not lifting it!)
* Haircut at 12:20 PM
* Help build the carport
* Mow my neighbors grass (ours as well if time permits)
* Vacuum the house

The day has a lot less stress in it thanx to my colleagues in Canada and my TL. They worked on a script that allowed me to get a big chunk of my project done very quickly. I have about 1/3 of the servers at my site done and the cron job took care of all the workstations. I feel very much at ease right now :).

I hope to get to see my beloved UNC Tarheels play Murray State in the first round of the NCAA tourney. Being a nationally ranked team SHOULD allow me to see the game. I hope the Heels do well. They do not have to win, but if they can get to the Elite 8, then they have proven something. After winning last years NCAA tourney and losing 7 of their top scorers, many people expected UNC to have a pretty lackluster year. Boy did those hardwood warriors prove all of us wrong! They have done very well for such a young team and ended the regular season second in the ACC after losing to Duke in the regular season and Boston College during the ACC tourney. Go Heels!

Please continue to pray for my back. I know that God allows all things to happen for reason. He wants someone to learn or gain something from every malady that occurs. I know this injury has made me realize how much I need my brothers and sisters in Christ. While I may not get a chance to tell you in person, your prayers mean so much to me. Thank you!

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