Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Would It Be Worth It?

Would you directly support a communist minded dictator if he offered you gas for $1.30 a gallon and give you free health care? You might get your chance. This story from CNN is very interesting. I would like to do more research but since I am not in the mood at this point, I will just toss out a few thoughts and let you mull them over.

The ploy that Hugo Chavez is attempting is an old one. He will attempt to gain the support of the poor by selling them what they THINK they need at a very reduced rate or better yet, give it away free. Chavez will attempt to undemine the social thread of US by sowing seeds of discord among its residents. He will "prove" that he is not a bad guy, making Pat Robertson look like an idiot (sorry Chavez, you are too late. Pat has done that without your help), making us even MORE dependant on him, and pretty soon we have civil unrest and quite possibly anarchy in the USA. It COULD happen. Fidel Castro is Hugo's buddy and Castro is just 90 miles south of the US. Sounds like trouble to me.

Also mentioned in the article is the fact that Citgo Petroleum is owned by PDVSA, a Venezuelan company. Nothing against those of Venezuelan blood, but I would rather not support a dictator.

So it sounds like we have a couple of missions here.
1) If offered low cost gas from Venezuela, do not take it.
2) DO NOT shop at Citgo.

I am starting my boycott now.

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