Thursday, August 18, 2005

Silent No Longer

I was not going to post much, if anything about Cindy Sheehan, the woman who has been camping outside of the Bush ranch in Crawford, Texas. I feel the MSM (Main Stream Media) and the bloggers are saying enough. However, when I read the post that Matt Drudge had about her outburst at a rally she attended at San Francisco State University earlier this year, I changed my mine. From, here is the link, but since I do not trust links, here is part of her rant courtesy of Mat Drudge (I have edited the language):

"We are not waging a war on terror in this country. WeÂ’re waging a war of terror. The biggest terrorist in the world is George W. Bush!"

"We are waging a nuclear war in Iraq right now. That country is contaminated. It will be contaminated for practically eternity now."

"TheyÂ’re a bunch of f**king hypocrites! And we need to, we just need to rise up..."

"If George Bush believes his rhetoric and his bull**it, that this is a war for freedom and democracy, that he is spreading freedom and democracy, does he think every person he kills makes Iraq more free?"

"The whole world is damaged. Our humanity is damaged. If he thinks that itÂ’s so important for Iraq to have a U.S.-imposed sense of freedom and democracy, then he needs to sign up his two little party-animal girls. They need to go to this war."

"We want our country back and, if we have to impeach everybody from George Bush down to the person who picks up dog sh*t in Washington, we will impeach all those people."

Now first I want to offer my condolences to Cindy on the loss of her son. I cannot image the pain she must be in, HOWEVER, I can safely assume that she is not a Christian spouting out that tirade at SanFran Uni. and she has no right acting in such a manner. She has been making a big stink in the media (which she has the right to. Her son died for that right she is abusing) and people are getting tired of it. She has had her meeting with President Bush over a year ago. She did not spout those obscenities at him then.

Michelle Malkin has a lot more linkage and more linkage.

Cindy, while we grieve with you on your loss, there are better ways. Promising not to pay your 2004 taxes (shouldn't they have already been paid?) until President Bush brings back your son (Bush is not Christ, honey) is not going to cut it.

Most people sympathize with you, but not your methods. You need to take your Paxil.

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