Monday, August 15, 2005

A Little Excitement for a Sleepy Town

Sunday I was waiting for my wife to return from running some errands, so I logged on to work to check my work e-mail (I had about 100 for 1 week. Not too bad) when I noticed the weather map was showing a storm heading our way. I need to walk one of our dogs (the other was with my wife), but I did not want to leave her to unload the van by herself, so I waited.

She arrived safely and I explained the problem, so after unloading the van, I set off with our oldest and most finicky dog, Maxx. We got about 1/6 of the way into our walk and in began to rain, but not overly hard, so I kept walking. A short while later one of the neighbors we had not met yet stopped me and asked me if I knew what all the police cars were doing in the neighborhood. I just made a confused looking face and said, "Huh?". They stated that there were at least THREE police cars in the immediate area, and one was a K9 unit. I told them I had no idea but I would try to find out.

I walked a bit further and saw the K9 unit parked, but not moving. I then noticed a man with two small children walking AWAY from the K9 unit looking very nervous. He matched my pace for a few meters, then he noticed a squad car coming towards us and he did a 180 and continued back from where he came, still looking very nervous. The rain had momentarily stopped so I called my wife and told her to lock the doors and shut the garage, and explained the situation. You see, my first thought was a man hunt and with my wife home and at least 1 door unlocked, she would be at risk IF some psycho was on the loose.

I continued on with my walk, keeping my eyes open. Two more police cars passed me, but did not look my way, so I did not fit the profile of who they were looking for. I circled around the school and noticed a police truck (They have some SWEET Dodge Dakota's they use), so I flagged him down. I told him I was not trying to be nosy, but since I was out walking the dogs, was there something a tax paying citizen could to do assist. I also told him that if I ever saw 2 or more police cars in the same neighborhood around here, especially if a K9 unit was involved, that I knew something was up. He finally told me they were looking for a blonde haired teenage girl who has run away, but they offered no other details. Well, that made me feel much better so I called my wife back to tell her the news. The storm had picked back up and the call was not clear, so I just hung up, after TRYING to tell her that I would be back soon. 2 minutes later, she was pulling up to me in the van telling me to get it. She had towels to dry the dog and me off. She is so sweet.

Well, that was my excitement for Sunday. Add that to a very busy Saturday and a hectic week prior to that and I am ready for work today!

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