Monday, August 22, 2005

I Respect Your Opinion, However...

My son is a soldier in the United States Army National Guard. He is also 17 (18 in a couple of months) and still in high school. He busted his hump all summer long to graduate Basic Training at Fort Benning, Georgia, giving up his "senior" summer to learn the art of become a warrior. I have taken some heat (even from some people at our church) for allowing my son to join the armed forces as a minor, but I stand by my decision to allow him to do so. I am proud of his accomplishments.

With all that said, my son took *some* of the money he earned as a soldier this summer to buy a used car from a neighbor. It needs a little work, but it is going to be a good *first* car for him. Our son went to Auto Zone last Saturday (August 20) in the little town where we live in North Central Texas and bought some parts that he needed and was assisted by a young lady named Lea, who was in her mid to late 20's. She asked my son if he was in the military, and he informed her he had just returned from BT. She then said (I am paraphrasing, bear with me), "I do not support the military. My husband was in the military and when he got out he was not the same. I didn't like what did him..."

Let me say one thing. Giving me your UNSOLICITED OPINION when I am a customer is completely out of line. When you are a public facing employee of a company, your comments could be misconstrued as the thoughts and opinions of the company. Now it would be financial SUICIDE for a company to say they were not supporting our troops. And, if Advance Auto decides that is their *official* stance, then they have lost me as a customer for life and I will do my best to spread the word NOT to shop there. However I am sure that the comments made by Lea were not the opinions of Auto Zone.

I fully recognize the right Lea has to her opinion. She could march up and down my street with a picket proclaiming her disdain with our military and I would honor that. She has that right and even though I do not agree, I respect her right to do so.

Now truth be told, I was FURIOUS when my wife and son (the ones who experienced the event) relayed the story to me. However I knew better than to do anything about it at that moment. I support our troops. Any derogatory comment towards them is one towards me. It is because of them you have the right to protest almost anything (Odd thing isn't it? If not for people you despise, you would not have the right to despise them...ironic).

When I went to bed Saturday night and started my evening prayers, I surprised myself by including Lea. I was not planning on doing so. I was very upset at her for making her comments at a place and time when she was a servant (cashier) to us and she was disparaging the US troops. However, God does not want he "sun to go down on our anger" and he pressed upon me the desire to pray for her. I felt much better after that prayer and it has allowed me to reflect and become closer the Christian I want to be.

To those who share Lea's sentiments, I respect your opinions. All I ask is that you respect my space. If you are working in the services sector (waiter, cashier, etc) DO NOT give my your opinion of the military, religion, or politics if I do not ask for it. To do so will endanger your job. There maybe someone who will not go to the Lord in prayer before they unload on you. Also, please remember that we have the freedoms we have because of the sacrifices that our soldiers (and Airmen, Marines, Sailors, etc) make and have made. I am not asking you to become a warmonger. I am not. I think wars (just for the sake of making them) is stupid. I also realize that it humanly possible I could have to bury my only son if he were to be sent to fight in a foreign land to protect ours. That concept is painful. However as a Christian, I have to accept that.

Lea, I am very sorry that your husband has not returned from the military in a condition that is pleasing to you. Go to the Lord and ask for his peace. You will find it, but first you have to ask.

**Update** I had erroneously reported the WRONG parts store. This has been corrected. My apologies for any confusion.

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