I worked on my Linux box last night after I got home. I stayed up until midnight (I get up at 5 AM) tweaking by Ubuntu Linux box until I was pretty happy with the way it looks. I will no doubt tweak some more, but for now it looks rather sweet. I have a nice wallpaper, big icons, custom menu bars and a neat little hack that puts a terminal (for command line operations) on the desk is such a way that it looks like it is part of the desktop wallpaper. Pics will be posted soon.
Late last week I got an e-mail from an old co-worker of mine Ray* who lives in NC. He was going to be in the area on business and wanted to know if I was free for dinner. I told him I was free on Tuesday (Valentine's Day) so we planned on meeting at Razzoo's Cajun Cafe. The food is usually pretty good and the atmosphere is fun.
"Ray" called me shortly after 5 PM and told me he was on his way. He had gotten some bad directions from someone and ended up heading away from the restaurant, but he made there eventually. I guess it had been about 5-6 years since I had seen "Ray". He still looks the same, not like me who has aged a lot in the past 5 years. He is a dedicated family man who has been a good provider for his family. He recently got laid off from his job (after getting a juicy severance package) and started a gig as a contractor via Manpower. He said the pay is pretty good, but no benefits to speak of.
He asked me about my back and what meds I was taking. I told him pre-surgery they prescribed Ultracet and after the surgery they gave me Vicodin, both are pain killers. I soon learned he has a problem with his back as well only his appears to be much worse than mine. He said at one time he was popping the Percacet more frequently than he wanted so he stopped taking them. I know that without them, he is in great pain. Since he has to pay for his own benefits now, he cannot afford the surgery. He has to live with the pain until he can afford the surgery. I am going to raise him up in prayer tonight at Care Group.
The meal was pretty good at Razzoo's. He had a combo platter (which is served up in a huge cast iron skillet) and I had my usual, crawfish etouffee. I even went all out and had dessert, their version of cheesecake, a "Zydeco Dancer". I was pretty full when I left the table.
We chatted a few more minutes outside after dinner until we both decided to get home (well, he was going back to his hotel for some shut eye). I told him to follow me out of the parking lot and I would guide him towards the hotel. I made sure he exited at the proper place and I headed home to begin my geekfest.
My wife told me a few days ago that she saw our son a few days ago. She stated that he looked pretty rough. Living on his own, paying his own bills, working on his car, going to school, working, and being in the National Guard has really be exhausting on him. My wife told me that he is having dental problems and has no dental insurance. His wisdom teeth are coming in (I think they are impacted) and his face appears a bit swollen. I am hurting for him.
When a parent sees their child suffering, the first thing they want to do is reach out and help. However, when the birds leave the nest, the parents have to let them live and learn, even if the lessons will be painful. I get torn up when I hear about all the things my son has to endure by himself, but I have to remember that it was he who left. I did not kick him out.
I guess the bright side to all of this is that he still has to go to AIT and at least there he can get medical...he is paying for the coverage with his National Guard pay so he may as well use it. After he gets out of AIT, his plans are to go to Houston and enroll at UTI. I am not sure how he plans on affording it, but if he ca do it, I will be very proud of him
*Not his real name, but you knew that...
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