Sunday, November 20, 2005

Workin' For The Weekend

Ok, I was not working for the weekend, just during it. Saturday was the Men's Breakfast at church and we received a real treat: My wife's bosses son-in-law made authentic Huevos Rancheros. They were very good (and I don't like eggs!) and I got very full. It was needed, since we worked on the volleyball pit and the parking lot for a few hours after that. When we finished the required work, 4 of us paired up and pitches some horsehoes. We played to games and the team I was on won both (the second game we won 21-1). I played pretty well, but not as good as my partner, my wife's boss. He has a good eye and a steady hand.

Sunday is a busy day for us this week. The Care Groups are throwing the annual Thanksgiving dinner for the rest of the congregation. My wife and I are on they cleanup crew. Every care group is required to bring a specific list of items. We (our Care Group) are responsible for 20 lbs of turkey, 10 lbs of ham, 400 rolls, butter, salad dressing and 1 dessert per family in the Care Group. Other groups are bringing ham and turkey, potatoes, green beans, etc. There should be plenty of food. I am sure no one will go hungry.

I am not very hungry right now. We had Taco Bell for lunch and it was rather filling (especially with all the iced tea I had with it...) and I hope I will have room for dinner. I really would hate to pass up some Cajun deep-fried turkey.

Instead of a sermon today, the Christian Academy that is associated with our church put on their yearly Christmas play. It was very good. Not as good as last years, but very good nonetheless. There was some real talent in that young group of thespians.

I have been playing with Linux more and more, especially since my new job will have me supporting it to a degree. I have been learning as much as I can about it. This weekend I have been playing with the XFCE windows manager. It is lightweight and runs well on the sandbox.

Work is going well. They asked me to make a up a small piece of documentation for the group and our TL said it was "excellent". I was very surprised to hear that from him. He even went as far as to tell the team he thought it was "excellent".

My boss has a couple of projects he wants me to work on in the upcoming weeks. One is to build a NetApps file server / backup system as a test to see if our outsourced FE's (Field Engineers) can do it. Since I am the least technical of our department, if I can build it, anyone can.

The other project is to start looking at some of our older tickets and see why they are still in pending/unresolved. That is a big chore, but I think I can handle it.

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