Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Somethings I Have Learned While Living in North Central Texas

01 - "I don't need no stinkin' turn signals."
02 - North Central Texas is like the beach, minus the sand and the water (the wind blows ALL the time).
03 - The better the employment, the further you will have to drive.
04 - In the summer, NO ONE comes out until the sun goes down.
05 - There are no "great" bagels or pepperoni rolls.
06 - Churchs come in 2 sizes: "Small" and "You have got to be kidding".
07 - Coyotes only sound cool in the movies. In real life, it is an unnerving sound.
08 - Even when gas is $3 a gallon, Texans will still drive their trucks and SUV's to work everyday.

Number 07 was inspired by my morning walk with my dogs. One is a corgi/beagle mutt and the other is a boxer/golden mutt. Neither dog is fierce. As we walked closer to the elementary school that borders a large farm, my dogs and I heard the howling of many coyotes .. most were within a quater mile at best guess. The howls seemed to come from all directions and it was quite unnerving to hear a crescendo of howls while my dogs just looked around, on guard. I was not going to chance anything, I know coyotes can be cowards, but in packs, they can take down a cow if they are hungry enough. The urban sprall has encroached on the land these creatures roam, forcing them to come into the 'burbs to look for food. Our yards are full of rabbits looking for food, finding it on our groomed lawns and manicured landscaping.

I have seen a coyote or two roaming our neighborhood, as well as a skunk and a few armadillos. You can smell skunks all the time from where they have been hit by a car. Dead armadillos can be seen littering the roads where they too, are not blessed enough to miss getting squashed by an SUV.

I hear the coyotes all the time, but have only seen two, and those were fleeting looks at pale looking creatures lurking in shadows. One was in our neighborhood and the other was along a state highway that was leading into the 'burbs. Neither of them were large. As a matter of fact, they looked a bit thin.

I received a call from a brother at church who is having similar issues with is back that I am. He has been placed on steroids and was given an injection of some sort and he says he slept very well the past few nights. I am very happy for him. He is a real nice guy whom I admire quite a bit.

Work has been going well. I am keeping busy for the most part. Not much down time, except for an odd hour here and there. Today looks like it may be slow, so I could do some more online training, but I am not very motivated to do so.

Thanksgiving plans -

Thanksgiving Day we plan on serving food for some underpriveledged folks in the area. After that we will come home and have our dinner.
Friday I need to do some yard work for us and my neighbor. I need to spray for weeds and cur down her elephant ear plants for the winter.
Saturday I get my hair cut and need to catch up on some house cleaning.
Sunday, well, we know what that day is for, don't we?

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