Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Just a quick update before I go watch "Law and Order, SVU".

I was at a training class today in Dallas. It was held at Hitachi Data Systems lab and was pretty interesting. It was not as far over my head as I thought, even though I was the noob there. The chair did not help my back and I was dying to get out so I could go vote.

Voting...ACK! Not the act, the process. Our area held voting at one location and the setup was horrible. It took 2 hours of standing in line to cast my votes. BtW, the gay marriage bill (stating marriages are between 1 man and 1 woman) past. It was an amendment to our constitution.

I have been on a moving watching kick lately. I finished Blade Trinity, The Princess Bride, The Punisher, and Kingdom of Heaven. Only "The Princess Bride" was any good, but it is a favorite of mine. I still have Unleashed, The Village, National Treasure, and Ronin to watch. I know Ronin will be good.

Ok, of to watch some TV. I am bushed and sore!

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