Monday, March 31, 2008

A New Week Begins

I have to admit that last week was the easiest house arrest (on call) I have ever dealt with. Once case to follow on Wednesday, one call on Friday evening (that was out of scope for on call) and one call Saturday morning. I wish all weeks on call were like that.

I could not go geocaching like I normally would last weekend, but I did manage to sneak out and grab a few after lunch on Sunday. There were 3 new ones close to home that I nabbed in short measure.

Saturday I cleaned house and dealt with the one issue that came in, washed dishes and did some laundry. Sunday was church (we had a guest speaker, one of our missionaries in Mexico) and a hot dog lunch in the fellowship hall. I ate a little and my wife ate less and we both left kinda hungry. However I left much earlier than she did since she had a lot of people to talk to and I needed to go let the dogs out and finish a load of laundry. Then of course, I went out and grabbed some caches! I managed to call my mom as well but after an hour of her repeating conversation's back to me...verbatim...I had to end the call. I love my mom, but I really cannot handle that.

I also watched a few of the NCAA tournament games and enjoyed the ones I saw. I was disappointed that WVU lost but it was to be expected. I am thrilled that UNC is going to the Final Four. GO HEELS!

I had a very hard time sleeping last night. I went to bed at 10:00 PM and was up at 12:30, then 1:30, then 2:00. I finally went into the living room to read and began to get sleepy at 2:30 AM. When the alarm went off I was wide awake and ready to go.

I have been reading some e-books on my PDA lately. I usually am not a big fan of e-books (I prefer the old fashioned ones personally), but I found some of the classics I had not read (or had not read in a long time) that piqued my interest. I am about 1/5 the way through George Orwell's, "1984". I still have "Brave New World to get to then I will look for others.

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