Sunday, March 16, 2008


I spent a good part of yesterday working on getting the parsonage ready for our new pastor who moves in with his family in about 2 weeks. It was a church workday with the goals of removing the carpet/padding and the wallpaper and border. The first part and the most of the second part went pretty quickly with our team. The last room however, had wallpaper that must have been attached with a super took a team of six (sometimes more sometimes less) five hours to remove it all. FIVE HOURS. I have glue under my fingernails that still will not come out.

The walls were riddled with nails where pictures once hung and I tore up a couple of my fingers on them. I bled rather profusely so I doubt I will have tetanus, although I prolly should get a tetanus shot next time I go to the doc, just to be safe.

After that I inhaled three hot dogs, some chips, and a diet soda. I tried to clean up best I could but I still was caked in glue. I am surprised I did not stick to the sheets last night.

After work was over at the parsonage I headed home, picking up some gasoline along the way. In the back of my mind I remember a new 9key cache...a terrain difficulty "3" nearby. My ego and pride got the best of me so I went after it before I went home to do some house work. I manged to find and sign it, but it was not without some difficulty. While I would put it at a "3.5" (I had to shimmy up 12 foot of tree, hug it with my legs, remove a rock that was covering the bole at the top, extract the cache, open it, sign it and return it all as I found it. Of course in the process I dropped part of the cache and had to go down after it then do the whole thing all over again. I am 42 years old and only in "fair" shape and that one almost kicked my butt! I was so proud of myself I had to call 9key and tell him I managed to get it.

Once the heroics/acrobatics were done, I went home and dried a load of clothes, folded them, recorded my antics on the geocaching web page, entered some receipts into AceMoney, and vacuumed the house...stripping the bed and changing the sheets as well. My wife came home shortly thereafter and we exchanged stories. She smiled and asked if she could join me on a caching run today and I eagerly accepted her offer. I like caching with her. A lot.

Later that evening I noticed my left middle finger had swollen about 50% larger. I saw a small prick near the joint where the pain was the greatest and figured I received a spider bite. This morning the pain and swelling are the same, give or take, but there is no discoloration...which I think is a good thing. Unless I am dead I am going caching...swelling or not!

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