Thursday, March 06, 2008

Key Word Search

I get rather annoyed when I get sent job notices from headhunters who do not take the time to verify that the jobs they are sending me are jobs I would be interested in. Today I was sent a listing for a contract job in MN. I live in TX. The odds of me taking a contract job in MN are pretty slim, wouldn't you think?

How did I get this listing? It would appear that they searched on some key words that are "hot" right now...many of which happen to be in my resume. They didn't however, check to see where I live in relation to where the job is. Oh, by the way, this is not a telecommuting job. Sigh.

On a more positive note, our church has formally accepted (via vote of the members) our new pastoral candidate as our new pastor. We just need to iron out an official starting date and we should be ready to roll.

I also received the rest of my tailored clothing last night from one of the guys I help with PC issues. He has given me four pair of trousers and a blue long sleeve shirt...all custom fitted. To be honest there are clothes that clients of former clients did not accept (for whatever reason) and have been taking up space in his inventory. Not that I could ever afford his prices, but the retail value of the clothing is about $1,000. Wow. It makes me think twice about charging him for the next house call! now to be fair, the clothing did not cost him that much and I do only charge 50% to members of our church but still, these are NICE clothes. The only thing I found wrong was a button hole issue on the sleeve. One sleeve has two button holes and the other has only one. I guess that makes it imperfect but I am not going to was free.

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