Friday, March 28, 2008

Dripping With Attitude

My wife has had errands to run several days this week and since I am on house arrest (on call) I have stayed home and washed dishes as well as walk the dogs. The other night I finished walking Little Man and was calling The Golden so I could get her some exercise. I called many times and finally The Golden started coming towards me...then she took a left turn, raised her nose in the air, and headed down the hall into our room where she plopped down on her bed. I am good enough to play fetch with, to chase (and be chased), but when I need her, I am not worth her time!

When my wife got home, I told her the story (with over exaggerated dog movements) and she about died laughing. When she called The Golden to go take a walk, that dog ran right up to her and sat down, waiting to have her leash put on her.

Maybe I will remember that when it comes time to feed her!!

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