Thursday, December 15, 2005

White Elephants and Difficult Choices

Last night we had the last care group meeting of 2005 and we decided to have a 'white elephant" gift exchange. If you have never participated in one, here is a link describing it. It was one of the most polite exchanges I have ever attended. My wife walked out with a couple of soy wax candles from a local shop in Saint Paul, Texas and I got an old Polaroid camera that I think will be passed on next year. It is customary for some of the more "unusual" gifts to be passed on year after year. That makes the game fun ;-) .

The lovely couple who host the care group meeting in their home asked for special prayers last night regarding "Darlene's"* job. She works for a local travel agency and has been feeling a bit unsatisfied there for some time. She decided to stay there an minister to a woman who is battling breast cancer and now that her treatment is almost over, "Darlene" feels it may be time to move on. Enter me. I found a listing at for a CHRISTIAN travel agent. I naturally thought of "Darlene" and sent her the link. She went and interviewed with the company and was blown away by the atmosphere. While it was not paying as much as the secular job, she could see the perks might just outweigh the cut in pay. She must have really wooed the people there, because they called her and asked what it would take to get her to come on board the new place. She told them she would have to pray about it and last night we did.

Now just between you, me and the fencepost (one of my grandpa's favorite sayings) I think her time has come to move on. I know nothing about either job, but I am getting good vibes from the Christian company. To be honest, I am a tad jealous that she gets a chance to work at a Christian company. That is something I have wanted to do for a couple of years now. I have had Christian bosses and team leads, but having an environment where everyone is in love with The Lord is so appealing.

Health news: My back specialist visit was rescheduled for this evening. It was originally scheduled for yesterday, then it was moved to this morning and yesterday they called to move it to this afternoon. My back is killing me today. It hurts enough I took one of the super pain pills (Ultracet) my doc prescribed. I hate taking them since they make my head swim, but I need some relief. I have had them a couple of weeks I think and have only taken 4 or so. They are narcotic, so I want to be careful. Oh. It just kicked in. Let the swimming begin.

Christmas shopping is almost complete. I only have a few things to get for my wife. I am going to get her a gift card and a couple of small things and then I am done.

Sopping for our son has been tough. He does not return e-mails much and I know his grades are slipping quickly. I checked his grades online and if he does not do something QUICK, he is going to fail this semester in a few subjects. I will lift it up to God and pray that my son makes the correct choices to get back on path.

*not her real name

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