Monday, December 26, 2005

Merry CHRISTmas

I hope you Christmas weekend was blessed, ours was.

Thursday - Haircut, vacuumed, watched X2: X-Men United. I had seen it before but was in the mood to see it again.
Friday - I went to work with my wife to do some computer stuff for her and her boss before he went out of town.
Saturday - Gave back the dog we were taking care of. The family was ready to give it to their daughter. Bad thing was, there was a death in their family and the funeral was Friday. We got our new vacuum and I used it to clean the house. It works well. I watched "Spaceballs" and the pilot of "The Lone Gunmen".
Sunday - CHRISTmas service at our church, quick lunch and nap, then over to a friend from church's house for Christmas dinner. She made a ton of food which she forced us to take with us. Watched an episode of "The Lone Gunmen".
Today - we had breakfast with another friend from church and took a long drive (2 hours) home. It was very nice to spend time with them. Did a quick vacuum of the bathroom and the bedroom, stripped and made the bed. My wife washed the oldest dog while I did 2 loads of laundry (to clarify, I put them in the dryer then when they were finished, I folded them and put them away). I watched "Daredevil" and was not too upset with it (it did have a gratuitous sex scene, but you can FF through that...). I have seen worse. I only need to see "Spiderman 2" and "The Hulk" and I think I have seen all the superhero movies...finally.

Overall this has been a good holyday. I still have a couple more days off (I go back Thursday and Friday, off Saturday, Sunday, and Monday) and I need to get an oil change and plunk down $500+ for new tires for the truck. I am glad we got a bonus this year. Christmas was IN CASH!! w00t! No Credit Card Bills!

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