Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Update, Shotgun Style

This is going to be a "shotgun" post covering a range of updates.

If you listen to the voice of God, you will be led to do things that you many not *want* to do, but in your heart you know you need to do. God has spoken to me a few times over the past couple of days and I must obey what he is pressing upon me.

First, I am not going to play volleyball at the old church for a while...a long while most likely. None of the other Christians who used to play are showing up anymore and I really fell alone. While we have had a pretty good turn out, these are secular people, who swear (in a church gymnasium no less), are at times rude, and really have no sense of brotherly love as most Christians would see it. If the old crew comes back, then I most likely will as well. It is not my church that we play in, so I do not feel that I should chaperone the attendees.

Secondly, I am not going back to the "CoG" web board anytime soon. I just do not belong there. I am very out of place in that group and even with the support of the few Christians who post there, it still is not very healthy. I am too passionate with my views to just "ignore" the comments like a few of the CoGer's would want me to. BtW, since "Flute" has read my blog in the past, I am sure she will find this news comforting. I noticed that she also went back to her old avatar, the little dancing magician. It is cute (old 8 bit graphics) and I think it suits her better. She only used the fish to mock me and my beliefs. While I do not agree with the way she acts, that is none of my business and I mean her no ill will. I am not the judge, God is.

On a side note, I received an IM from "Dakota" yesterday. He asked me if I was IMing "OutofBalance" (another "CoG" regular). I told "Dakota" no, that I did not even have OoB's IM nick. I received a PM (private message from the CoG board) from OoB asking me the same question. I wondered why I was being asked this. It seems that my AIM nick was hijacked or spoofed and OoB got an IM from me. I was rather concerned about this so I promptly changed my passwords on many accounts. "Finn" (another CoG'er) said he had a strange occurrence with IM as well on his work PC. I cannot remember the details.

"Finn" and I chat via IM quite a bit. We are VERY different, but I do respect his opinion. He is rather intelligent and a bit of a cynic (aren't we all?). We tend to clash on religion (he is a pagan) and social issues (he is much more liberal than I am) but the nice thing is that we can see each other's views. I take no offense in his opinions, and I hope he takes nothing I say personally. We chatted yesterday about some Mormans who were coming door to door in his neighborhood. His apartment building has a locking gate / door and somehow 2 Mormons made their way into his building. Finn stated that his neighbor (not born in the US and speaks very little English) was frightened of them and missed her doctors appointment because they were roaming the halls. If this is true, that is unacceptable behavior. Of course I am not pleased with the Latter Day Saints for other reasons, but do not go where you are not invited. That is a very good way to make all religious people look bad and also get arrested.

On the home front, my wife and I are almost finished with "Love Talk"by Les and Leslie Parrott. The book has been very good (I have spotted a few errors) although some of it is quite basic. It still amazes me how the basics of communication can escape us.

Our military son has been busy on recruiting missions all week, not getting home until after we are in bed (we go to bed early when we can). That has caused him to slip in his chores a bit. I am sure he will get caught up, though. He is rather resourceful.

I will be taking Friday off, to comp for having to work Labor Day. That will give me a three day weekend this weekend and since I do not have any grass to cut, I will have most of it open to take care of other tasks. Go me!

Work has not been very fulfilling over the past year+. I am still doing a good deal of support for a product that is not very difficult to support, but is very laborious. I also have to support people who speak 4 languages (only one of which I speak) and while the corporate language is my native tongue, the local clients prefer to speak French, Spanish, or Portuguese. Sometime s the language barrier frustrates me so much I want to scream (not at my customers, it is not their fault). I pride myself (which may be why I am frustrated by this) in being able to communicate clearly. With those customers that I cannot understand nor can they understand me, this is very frustrating.

The good news about all of this is that I may not have to do this support in a few months. I was sent an e-mail from a project person in Sweden who says that they have made strides to get this support regionally supported (each local region -- there are six --will support their own, instead of the three regional support teams support the 6 regions) and that made me very happy. Lord, if it is in your will, I am ready!

I have been kicking around the idea of going back to school. I am not sure if it is the right thing to do or not. I am 40, have a few credits (maybe a 1/3) of what I need to get my associates degree and a full schedule. Can I afford the investment in time and money? Can I afford NOT TO? Am I just out of practice of being a student? I have never tested well. Tests intimidate me :) .

There has not been too many things in the news worth blogging about that you will not find in other blogs, so I have not been motivated to write about them.

Just a note on health and nutrition. If you drink energy drinks (like Red Bull, Sobe, Full Throttle, etc) read the label closely. Depending on your body type and health, certain drinks may not provide the level of energy you desire. I have been drinking "Monster" brand energy drinks for a few weeks and think they taste the best as well as give you a great physical boost. I tried Red Jak last night and did not like it at all. It only had about 2/3's the energy blend but it was very tart and not very "drinkable". I have a couple of Monster varieties at the house (Regular, low carb, and Khaos) that I need to try. The low carb should be ok, the Kaos has 70% juice (which is a bonus) and all the energy blend.

BtW, the energy blend Monster uses is made up of Vitamin B6, B12, Guarana, Gensing, Caffeine, L-Carnitine, Taruine, and Inostitol.

1 comment:

Malori said...

I loved your random post! It's kind of like my e-mails, talking about anything and everything. My mom told me that someone on my e-mail list told her "she writes about EVERYTHING!", but I will not be discouraged. I've been so busy that I haven't had time to post anything on my blog, but I want to soon.
My opinion about going back to school is: do it! So what if it's been a long time since you were in school? Everyone deserves a higher education, and if you think you're being called do it, go ahead! Yes, the money can be an issue (I'm none too happy that I have to take ridiculous amounts of loans each year to attend college), but in the end, money doesn't mean anything. Yeah, I'll be paying off my debts for a very long time, but I'm not letting that, nor the long practice hours or studying or tests stop me. Grab the opportunity for college and run with it!