Friday, January 16, 2009

Historic Month (For Me)

January. The beginning of a new year. Time for change.

January has now at least two memorable days for me (there may be more but I am excited and can only think of two right now)...two days that will change my life forever.

First, January 7, 1991 was the day I left my ex-wife to get on with my life. After years of her cheating on me as well as the mental abuse, I finally had enough and I left. My life has never been better and from what I understand, her life is better as well. I am happy for her and wish her all the best. I am not bitter because that chapter of my life is over with.

Next is Jan 16, 2008. For the first time in my life, I am debt free with the exception of a mortgage. I have always had either a car payment, credit card payment, or both over my head since I have been 18 years old. As soon as the debt would get paid down to a near manageable amount, something would come up and we would be in debt again. Yesterday we paid Bank of America off and today Baylor Hospital gets their final payment on my wife's last surgery.

It has not been easy. I drive a 10 year old truck (in pretty good condition), we don't have nice furniture (cheap furniture from Rooms to Go that is about 10 years old), my computer is five years old (so is my wife's van), the house needs new flooring (the carpet is 10+ years old and looks it), we eat out once or twice a week (usually one fast food and one Jason's Deli type place), and I bag my lunch every day, eating lunch out on rare occasions.

During the time we have been trying to get out of debt The Golden has had two knee surgeries ($6,000 total), we had to have a new fence, sprinkler system, and concrete patio (total - $10,000), countless vet visits for dog issues, and three human operations (one for me, two for my wife).

Now let me add to the good news by saying that for the most part, auto repairs have been minor and inexpensive. There was one repair to my truck that set me back $1200 (which should have been covered under a recall but my truck missed it by a few months) but for the most part our auto repairs have been typical routine maintenance.

Now for the part that usually surprises most people. During the entire time we worked towards getting out of debt, my wife and I tithed to our church. If you are not familiar with tithing, it is the practice of setting aside 10% of you income to the church. So if you make (which I don't) $100,000 a year, you would tithe $10,000 (tithe means "tenth") each year. Most people do this each time they get paid to keep things simple and that is what we did. I get paid twice a month so the church received a check after my paycheck hit the bank. It was the first thing that I paid each pay period. And oddly enough, we never lacked anything. Oh, things were tight, but we always had the money. God was, and is, GOOD.

There were several times that we wanted or needed to do something but we just did not have the money, so just as we prepared to do without, God came through. Let me tell you a few examples:

Last summer, I was making my plans to go visit my mom out of state. It is a long drive (I prefer to drive) and the cost of gas (remember $4 a gallon?) was seriously making me nervous. I did the math and realized that we did not have the money for me to go. Mind you we had not charged anything for leisure in years and I was not about to start now...I was going to pay in cash or not go at all. Well, one week before I was supposed to leave, I was ready to call my mom and tell her that we just did not have the money when received a check from our mortgage seems they made an error on the escrow and overcharged us. The check was a refund. The amount was just about enough to cover my gas costs. Thank you God!

Next was Christmas, 2008. My wife and I had not charged Christmas or vacation in years but this year things were kinda tight. After buying photo cards and a few gifts for others, we were at the bottom of the barrel. I did not have anything left to get my wife anything. Well, my wife's boss gave her a rather generous bonus (about 10% of her part time salary), not to mention a small assortment of other gifts, allowing us to finish our shopping. My wife was able to pamper herself with things from Bath and Body Works as well as Bed, Bath, and Beyond. Me, I finally got a nice new Columbia Bugaboo Parka/Storm jacket after years of wearing thin blue collar work jackets.

The final one happened at Christmas as well. Our 7 year old digital camera was finally showing its age. While new snapshooters are not expensive, a new one as not in the budget. Well, my mom (who is by no means wealthy) gave us money for Christmas and my wife and I both agreed to get the camera with the money. As a matter of fact, I was able to get the camera, high capacity rechargeable batteries, a case, and a gig card for just about the same amount that mom sent. I love it when a plan comes together.

During the time that we had challenges, we were faithful to pay God his tithe. We tithed on bonuses and Christmas money and God was faithful to us. Now I don't tell you this to sound pious or to brag on myself. No, I tell you this to brag on my God who is faithful. He always provides if you just trust him and have faith. We did and He did.

I have told this story to many at our church (think I have to give a testimony about it sometime) and everyone seems to be genuinely happy for us. After the congrats to us, the next question is "what are you going to do with the money you were spending on debt?" Well that is easy. We hope (God willing) to put more towards our mortgage. We hope to be out of debt completely in 10 years. It will be difficult, but with God, anything is possible.

Happy January!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My wife and I started the Dave Ramsey plan back in Oct '07. In 6 months we were able to pay off 12K in debt (all but the house). During that time I was making consistent tithes but not 10%. After we became debt free I was able to increase that to 10% and start giving to our building fund.

After 3 months of consistent tithing at 10% I was offered a job with a 60% raise. God is Great!!