Wednesday, January 16, 2008


That is the word that sums up the weather outside. Typical for a Texas winter day, but it still is enough to give you a case of the blahs.

Work has been slow and for that I am grateful. While I prefer it to be steady, I will take slow over busy any day.

We have care groups tonight but I am not sure I am going to go. I am not in the mood to be around other people today and going to care group means...being around other people. besides, I am a little achy...I got over my cold but now I have body aches...flu?

I grabbed a couple of geocaches on the way home last night (they were literally by the road I drive on) and looked for one more but it was hidden well enough that I could not find it in the meager amount of time I gave to find them. No worries. I want it to stay fun.

I have not heard anything back from the gentleman I interviewed with last week. Now, I realize that he told me I would know by Friday but if I am being turned down, I would rather know sooner than later.

Thanx to Fox online, I was able to watch "The Sarah Connors Chronicles" season premier that I missed the night before. Having the episodes online 1-2 days after they are broadcast has been helpful for me. Now if I could only get the Sci-Fi channel to do it ... ;)

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