Monday, January 30, 2006

Politics and the $100 laptop

This is a very interesting article if you are a person who thinks that everyone deserves a computer. Negropointe has been battling people right and left to get his dream made into a reality. Of course one group that he is battling is Microsoft (surprised? Not me). The part that caught my attention was this:

"According to several people familiar with the discussions, Microsoft had encouraged Negropointe to consider using the Windows CE version of its software, and Microsoft had been prepared to make an open-source version of the program available."

That is a very interesting . Notice they said "Windows CE", not "Windows for Pocket PC". Does this mean that Billy boy has CE ready to go Open Source? I say let it out. It might be fun to play with.

On the health front. I am amazed how being at work can sap the strength from from me and I have only been here 3 hours. I guess it will take a while to build my strength up. I have not been doing much over the past 10 days or so and I guess it shows.

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